
The general constitutional state of Chamomilla is great sensitiveness; sensitive to every impression; sensitive to surroundings; sensitive to persons; and, above all, sensitive to pain. The constitutional irritability is so great that a Little pain brings forth manifestations as if the patient were in very great suffering. It naturally belongs to the woman’s nervous system,

Ferrum arsenicum

Complaints in general are aggravated in the morning, on waking; afternoon; evening; night, before midnight, after midnight. Aversion to the open air; aggravation in the open air. General physical anxiety. Chlorosis, Anemia. Chorea in anemic subjects. In a general way cold air aggravates, and the patient is very sensitive to cold; aggravation from becoming cold,


The complaints of Graphites are worse morning, evening and during the NIGHT, especially before midnight. It is useful in people who are morbidly fat, or have been fat and are now emaciating; with constipation more commonly than diarrhea; in women in these conditions whose menstrual habit is pale, late, short and scanty; catarrhal discharges that

Hepar sulphur

The Hepar patient is chilly. He is sensitive to the cold and wants an unusual amount of clothing when in cold air. He wants the sleeping room very warm and can endure much heat in the room, many degrees warmer than a healthy person ordinarily desires. He has no endurance in the cold and all


Ignatia is frequently required and is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children; to hysterical women. You will not cure the natural hysterics with Ignatia, but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, highly educated, overwrought women in their nervous complaints with Ignatia when they take on complaints that are similar to

Kali arsenicosum

This is a very deep, long acting remedy, and one greatly abused by traditional medicine in the form of Fowler’s Solution. It was used extensively as an anti periodical after quinine had failed, and as a tonic, for skin diseases of all sorts, for syphilis, for anemia, etc. It is a most positive remedy in

Kali carbonicum

The Kali carb. patient is a hard patient to study, and the remedy itself is a hard one to study. It is not used as often as it should be, and the reason is that it is a very complex and confusing remedy. It has a great many opposite symptoms, changing symptoms, and this it

Kali sulphuricum

Two very deep acting remedies unite to form this one. It was left to Schussler to show its first curative powers. Dewey’s work on the “Tissue Remedies” gives the best presentation from the biochemical view. The writer gathered the symptoms from reported cures for many years, and found that they were justified by the study

Lac caninum

A beginning in this remedy was made by Dr. Reisig, and after Reisig it was used by Bayard. After Bayard’s death Dr. Dyer gave me a vial of the 30th potency, made by Reisig, from which the potencies have mostly been made. All the milks should be potentized, they are our most excellent remedies, they


Lachesis is a frequently indicated remedy, and one that you will need to study much in order to know how to use. Lachesis seems to fit the whole human race, for the race is pretty well filled up with snake as to disposition and character and this venom only causes to appear that which is